Professor of General Surgery at the Faculty of Medicine - Consultant of Laparoscopic and Plastic Surgery

Information about the Doctor
Professor of General Surgery at the Faculty of Medicine - Consultant of Laparoscopic and Plastic Sur
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Reservation details at Doctor Ahmed Yehia Ahmed Farid
Reservation details
Clinic address of Doctor Ahmed Yehia Ahmed Farid
Murad Street - First Floor - Giza Square - opposite the Gad Restaurant Area: Giza ، Midan Al Giza
Consult Doctor Ahmed Yehia Ahmed Farid by phone
Insurance Companies
- Axa
- Banque du Caire
- Belayim Petroleum Company
- Commerce Syndicate
- Egymed
- Elahly medical
- Engineers Syndicate
- Globemed
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- Health and Wealth
- Journalists Syndicate
- Lawyers Syndicate
- Mansour Chevrolet
- National Bank of Egypt
- National Misr Insurance
- Petrojet
- Royal Care
- Smart
- Syndicate of Scientific Professions
- Takafol Egyptian Life Company
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