Aldoctorz Doctors Doctor Saeed Al-Nouaim Doctor Saeed Al-Nouaim Doctor Oncology Specialized in: Adult Oncology ، Pediatric Oncology ، Radiation Oncology ، Reservation details Specialties of the Doctor Send Send About the Doctor Doctor Oncology Specialty Adult Oncology Present in Alexandria Place Sporting Alsoghra Reservation details at Doctor Saeed Al-Nouaim Reservation details Clinic address of Doctor Saeed Al-Nouaim 156 Omar Lotfy St Area: Alexandria ، Sporting Alsoghra Clinic of Doctor Saeed Al-Nouaim on the map Consult Doctor Saeed Al-Nouaim by phone 035904644 Sub-Specialties Adult Oncology Pediatric Oncology Radiation Oncology Services provided by Doctor Saeed Al-Nouaim Bone marrow transplant Chemotherapy Lumpectomy Proton therapy Radiotherapy Stem cell transplantation About the Doctor Doctor Oncology Specialty Adult Oncology Present in Alexandria Place Sporting Alsoghra