Best IVF and Infertility doctors in Alexandria  

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15,000 doctors - 9,000 professors and consultants - More than 40 specialties

Amr Mohamed Sallam

Doctor Amr Mohamed Sallam

Consultant of Obstetrics and Gynecology, ICSI and member of the Egyptian Fertility Society

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Doctor Gynaecology and Infertility

Specialized in : IVF and Infertility Gynaecology IVF
Address : 59 Victor Emmanuel St. - Smouha - Third Floor ،
City: Alexandria ، Smouha
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Amr Mohamed Sallam

Doctor Amr Mohamed Sallam

Consultant of Obstetrics and Gynecology, ICSI and member of the Egyptian Society of Fertility and Infertility Treatment

Recently Joined

Doctor Gynaecology and Infertility

Specialized in : IVF and Infertility Gynaecology IVF
Address : 138 Ahmed Abu Suleiman St., at the intersection with the Arab Company St., at the Al-Manshiya parking lot ،
City: Alexandria ، Al Suiof
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