Doctor Mahmoud Abdel Aziz Ghallab Specialist in Interventional Radiology and Therapeutic Catheterization Recently Joined Doctor Diagnostic Radiology Specialized in : CT MRI Ultrasound Address : 217 Freedom Road ، City: Alexandria ، Abraham Inquire online now
Doctor Yehia Halim Ahmed Zaki Recently Joined Doctor Diagnostic Radiology Specialized in : CT MRI Ultrasound Address : 28 Chamber of Commerce St ، City: Alexandria ، Mahatet Al Raml Inquire online now
Doctor Mazloum Zakaria Recently Joined Doctor Diagnostic Radiology Specialized in : CT MRI Ultrasound Address : 26 Chamber of Commerce St ، City: Alexandria ، Mahatet Al Raml Inquire online now
Doctor Azza Fouad Recently Joined Doctor Diagnostic Radiology Specialized in : CT MRI Ultrasound Address : 20 Sidi Beshr Mosque St ، City: Alexandria ، Sidi Bishr Inquire online now