Doctor Reda El-Sawy Consultant of Internal Medicine, Chest and Allergy Recently Joined Doctor Allergy and Immunology Specialized in : Cardiology and Vascular Disease Chest and Respiratory Diabetes and Endocrinology Address : Fouad Street ، City: Alexandria ، Mahatet Al Raml Inquire online now
Doctor Tarek Emara Consultant of chest diseases, asthma, chest and occupational allergies Recently Joined Doctor Allergy and Immunology Specialized in : Chest and Respiratory Internal Medicine Pediatrics and New Born Address : Alexandria 9 Shawkat Street in front of the TV door ، City: Alexandria ، Glim Inquire online now
Doctor Hussam Rmaih Pediatrician and neonatologist. Recently Joined Doctor Pediatrics and New Born Specialized in : Natural Breast Feeding New Born Pediatric Allergy and Immunology Address : ، City: Alexandria ، Al Ajmi Branches Doctor Hussam Rmaih - Al-Hadra - Saeed Al-Jundi Street - Princes Tower - in front of the municipal garage، Alexandria، Smouha Inquire online now
Doctor Waleed Zaher Pediatrician, internal medicine and diets specialist Recently Joined Doctor Allergy and Immunology Specialized in : Cardiology and Vascular Disease Chest and Respiratory Diabetes and Endocrinology Address : ، City: Alexandria ، Al Ajmi Inquire online now
Doctor Amr El Desouky Consultant Pediatrician and Neonatologist Recently Joined Doctor Pediatrics and New Born Specialized in : Natural Breast Feeding New Born Pediatric Allergy and Immunology Address : Galaa Street ، City: Alexandria ، Victoria Inquire online now
Doctor Ahmed Al-Mansi Pediatrician and neonatologist Recently Joined Doctor Pediatrics and New Born Specialized in : Natural Breast Feeding New Born Pediatric Allergy and Immunology Address : Al-Ajami Maternity Hospital, Alex-Matrouh Road, Hannoville, Al-Draiseh, next to Al-Borg lab ، City: Alexandria ، Al Ajmi Inquire online now
Doctor Nagah Kamal Consultant of Pediatrics and Neonatology Recently Joined Doctor Pediatrics and New Born Specialized in : Psychiatry Natural Breast Feeding New Born Address : 7 El Batash Street - in front of Cairo Bank. ، City: Alexandria ، Al Ajmi Inquire online now
Doctor Nevien Nazmi Consultant Pediatrician and Neonatologist Recently Joined Doctor Pediatrics and New Born Specialized in : Natural Breast Feeding New Born Pediatric Allergy and Immunology Address : st and wont ، City: Alexandria ، Fleming Inquire online now
Doctor Hussam Rmaih Pediatrician and neonatologist Recently Joined Doctor Pediatrics and New Born Specialized in : Natural Breast Feeding New Born Pediatric Allergy and Immunology Address : Al-Hadra - Saeed Al-Jundi Street - Princes Tower - in front of the municipal garage ، City: Alexandria ، Smouha Branches Doctor Hussam Rmaih - ، Al Ajmi، Alexandria Inquire online now
Doctor Mohammed Salem Chest, Asthma and Allergy Specialist Recently Joined Doctor Allergy and Immunology Specialized in : Chest and Respiratory Internal Medicine Pediatrics and New Born Address : Hannoville - Zahrat Al-Ajami Towers - above Fathallah Market, third floor ، City: Alexandria ، Al Ajmi Inquire online now