Doctor Hossam El Din Awad Professor and Consultant of Cardiology at Police and Armed Forces Hospitals Recently Joined Doctor Cardiology and Vascular Disease Specialized in : Adult Cardiology Address : The intersection of 7th Street and 154th Street ، City: Cairo ، Maadi Inquire online now
Doctor Taghreed Abdul Rahman Cardiovascular consultant Recently Joined Doctor Cardiology and Vascular Disease Specialized in : Adult Cardiology Address : Mustafa Al-Nahhas ، City: Cairo ، Nasr City Inquire online now
Doctor Majdi Alfons Consultant of Cardiology and Vascular Diseases, Ain Shams University Recently Joined Doctor Cardiology and Vascular Disease Specialized in : Adult Cardiology Address : 64 Khalifa Al-Mamoun Street - Roxy - Heliopolis - in front of Mobil Gas Station ، City: Cairo ، Heliopolis Inquire online now
Doctor Ahmed Onsi Professor and Consultant of Cardiovascular Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University. Recently Joined Doctor Cardiology and Vascular Disease Specialized in : Adult Cardiology Address : Nozha Street ، City: Cairo ، Heliopolis Inquire online now
Doctor Said Farkouh Consultant of Cardiovascular Diseases and Diagnostic and Therapeutic Catheterization Recently Joined Doctor Cardiology and Vascular Disease Specialized in : Adult Cardiology Address : El Batrawy Street ، City: Cairo ، Nasr City Inquire online now
Doctor Mohamed Abdel Moneim Al-Bardi Consultant Cardiovascular Diseases Recently Joined Doctor Cardiology and Vascular Disease Specialized in : Adult Cardiology Address : 100 St., Freedom Square ، City: Cairo ، Maadi Inquire online now
Doctor Mustafa Sousani Assistant Professor at Al-Azhar University Recently Joined Doctor Cardiology and Vascular Disease Specialized in : Adult Cardiology Address : Othman bin Affan Street ، City: Cairo ، Heliopolis Inquire online now
Doctor Sherif Rizk Consultant and Lecturer of Cardiology, Kasr Al-Ainy Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University Recently Joined Doctor Cardiology and Vascular Disease Specialized in : Adult Cardiology Address : Ismail Ramzy St ، City: Cairo ، Heliopolis Inquire online now
Doctor Yasser Muhammad sad Consultant Cardiology and Therapeutic Cardiac Catheterization Recently Joined Doctor Cardiology and Vascular Disease Specialized in : Adult Cardiology Address : 127 A Misr and Sudan Street - Hadayek al-Qubba ، City: Cairo ، Hadayek Al Koba Inquire online now
Doctor Hossam Mohamed Abdelbaset Cardiovascular specialist and member of the Egyptian and European Society of Cardiology - Armed Forces Hospitals Recently Joined Doctor Cardiology and Vascular Disease Specialized in : Pediatrics and New Born Adult Cardiology Adult Vascular Diseases Address : Makram Ebeid Extension ، City: Cairo ، Nasr City Inquire online now