Best Obesity Surgery doctors in Dakahlia  

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15,000 doctors - 9,000 professors and consultants - More than 40 specialties

Hani Nabil

Doctor Hani Nabil

plastic surgery consultant

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Doctor Obesity and Laparoscopic Surgery

Specialized in : Plastic Surgery Burn Surgery Cosmetic Dermatology and Laser
Address : Lower Walk Street - Princesses Tower - First Floor ،
City: Dakahlia ، Mansoura
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Osama Abdel Aziz Al-Tayeh

Doctor Osama Abdel Aziz Al-Tayeh

Consultant of Obesity and Laparoscopic Surgeries

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Doctor General Surgery

Specialized in : Obesity and Laparoscopic Surgery Adult Oncology Surgery Breast Tumor
Address : 13 Mahmoud Al-Hefny Abu Al-Naga Street, above Al-Bayoumi Pharmacy ،
City: Dakahlia ، Miet Ghamr
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