Best Nephrology doctors in Giza  

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15,000 doctors - 9,000 professors and consultants - More than 40 specialties

Hamdy Alzairy

Doctor Hamdy Alzairy

Fellowship experts of gastroenterology, hepatology, internal medicine and diagnostic radiology at the National Liver Institute in Cairo, Ain Shams University and University of Hull in England

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Doctor Allergy and Immunology

Specialized in : Diabetes and Endocrinology Dietitian and Nutrition Gastroenterology and Endoscopy
Address : 69 Central Axis - second floor, apartment 5, in front of the Arab Bank, near Al-Hosary Mosque and next to Bernasos Bookstores ،
City: Giza ، 6 October
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Azza Al-Shamaa

Doctor Azza Al-Shamaa

Consultant and Professor of Internal Medicine, Kidney and Diabetes - Kasr Al-Ainy, Cairo University

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Doctor Diabetes and Endocrinology

Specialized in : Internal Medicine Nephrology Pediatrics and New Born
Address : ،
City: Giza ، Alharam
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