Aldoctorz Doctors Doctor Abdel Fattah Ashour Doctor Abdel Fattah Ashour Consultant nephrologist and urologist Doctor Urology Specialized in: Adult Urology ، Reservation details Specialties of the Doctor Send Send About the Doctor Doctor Urology Specialty Adult Urology Present in Giza Place Dokki Reservation details at Doctor Abdel Fattah Ashour Reservation details Clinic address of Doctor Abdel Fattah Ashour Area: Giza ، Dokki Clinic of Doctor Abdel Fattah Ashour on the map Consult Doctor Abdel Fattah Ashour by phone Sub-Specialties Adult Urology Services provided by Doctor Abdel Fattah Ashour Dialysis Hydrocele treatment Kidney transplant Lithotripsy Nephrectomy (kidney removal) Open prostatectomy Peritoneal dialysis Prostate laser surgery Transurethral resection of the prostate (turp) Urinary incontinence treatment Varicocele surgery Vasectomy Show more About the Doctor Doctor Urology Specialty Adult Urology Present in Giza Place Dokki