Cardiovascular specialist

Information about the Doctor
/Dr. Egyptian Fellowship of Cardiology /Dr. Master of Cardiology and Vascular / Member of the Egypti
an Heart Association Cardiologist at (Sheikh Zayed Specialist Hospital - Al-Zohour Specialist - Al-Zaytoun Specialist) Diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases, including: - High blood pressure. High blood fats and arteriosclerosis. Chest pain and heart attacks. Difficulty breathing and heart failure. Heart arrhythmia. Detection by doing an electrocardiogram. Cardiac acoustic waves.
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Reservation details at Doctor Ahmad Galal
Reservation details
Clinic address of Doctor Ahmad Galal
Al-Bashayer and cooperative street - Building 164 - Royal Care Clinic - next to Mecca Center - Area: Giza ، 6 October
Consult Doctor Ahmad Galal by phone
Services provided by Doctor Ahmad Galal
Cardiovascular disease
Cardiovascular disease angina pectoris and high blood pressure
coronary artery disease
Coronary artery insufficiency treatment
Diagnostic and therapeutic catheters
dilatation of the heart muscle
Ergometric test
Follow-up and installation of heart stens
Follow-up of rheumatic activity and rheumatic fever
heart rhythm disturbances
heart valve disease
Myocardial infarction treatment
Ordinary ECG
Treating high levels of fat and cholesterol in the blood
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