Aldoctorz Doctors Doctor Ahmed Labib Doctor Ahmed Labib Pediatrician, Newborn and Diet specialist Doctor Pediatrics and New Born Specialized in: Natural Breast Feeding ، New Born ، Pediatrics ، Reservation details Specialties of the Doctor Send Send About the Doctor Doctor Pediatrics and New Born Specialty Natural Breast Feeding Present in Alexandria Place Muharram BeK Reservation details at Doctor Ahmed Labib Reservation details Clinic address of Doctor Ahmed Labib Area: Alexandria ، Muharram BeK Clinic of Doctor Ahmed Labib on the map Consult Doctor Ahmed Labib by phone 01005769912033938262 Sub-Specialties Natural Breast Feeding New Born Pediatrics Services provided by Doctor Ahmed Labib Basic and additional vaccinations Breast feeding Children's food programs Follow the normal development of children Follow up on growth retardation cases Monitoring the mental development of the child Monitoring the physical development of the child Pediatric rheumatism Pediatrics Premature babies Show more About the Doctor Doctor Pediatrics and New Born Specialty Natural Breast Feeding Present in Alexandria Place Muharram BeK