
Information about the Doctor
Member of the International Orthodontic Society Now you can see everything that happens inside the m
outh and teeth through dental camera technology that allows you to know the problems and follow the treatment plan with pictures Master of Fixed Prosthodontics and Member of the German Society in Dental Implants
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Reservation details at Doctor Ahmed Muharram Afifi
Reservation details
Clinic address of Doctor Ahmed Muharram Afifi
Panorama Shorouk Mall, above Metro Supermarket, first floor; Sunrise Area: Cairo ، Al Shorok
Consult Doctor Ahmed Muharram Afifi by phone
Services provided by Doctor Ahmed Muharram Afifi
Acrylic partial denture
BFM bridges
BFM crowns
Ceramic dental braces
Chemical bleaching
Composite bondings
Cosmetic filling
Dental boosts
Dental x-ray
Emax bridges
Emax crowns
emax filling
Gum cleaning
Impacted tooth extraction
Jaw Pain treatment
Laser gingivoplasty
Metal based denture
Metal Jaw orthopedics
Mouth guards
Nonsurgical dental implant
Orthodontic alignment
Panoramic radiology
Porcelain inlays and onlays
Root canal treatment
Root Canal Treatment for Children
Space maintainers
Surgical tooth extraction
Teeth jewelry
Teeth scaling and polishing
Tooth coloured fillings
Wisdom tooth extraction
Zerikon inlays and onlays
Zirkonium Crown
Zoom teeth whitening
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