Aldoctorz Doctors Doctor Anissa Eid Ibrahim Al-Shafei Doctor Anissa Eid Ibrahim Al-Shafei Dental Consultant Doctor Dentistry Specialized in: Adult Dentistry ، Reservation details Specialties of the Doctor Send Send About the Doctor Doctor Dentistry Specialty Adult Dentistry Present in Cairo Place Nasr City Reservation details at Doctor Anissa Eid Ibrahim Al-Shafei Reservation details Clinic address of Doctor Anissa Eid Ibrahim Al-Shafei Area: Cairo ، Nasr City Clinic of Doctor Anissa Eid Ibrahim Al-Shafei on the map Consult Doctor Anissa Eid Ibrahim Al-Shafei by phone Sub-Specialties Adult Dentistry Services provided by Doctor Anissa Eid Ibrahim Al-Shafei Acrylic partial denture BFM bridges BFM crowns Ceramic dental braces Chemical bleaching Composite bondings Cosmetic filling Dental boosts Dental x-ray Emax bridges Emax crowns emax filling Gum cleaning Impacted tooth extraction Jaw Pain treatment Laser gingivoplasty Metal based denture Metal Jaw orthopedics Mouth guards Nonsurgical dental implant Orthodontic alignment Panoramic radiology Porcelain inlays and onlays Root canal treatment Root Canal Treatment for Children Space maintainers Surgical tooth extraction Teeth jewelry Teeth scaling and polishing Tooth coloured fillings Veneers Wisdom tooth extraction Zerikon inlays and onlays Zirkonium Crown Zoom teeth whitening Show more About the Doctor Doctor Dentistry Specialty Adult Dentistry Present in Cairo Place Nasr City