Aldoctorz Doctors Doctor Ashraf Tawadros Metrios Doctor Ashraf Tawadros Metrios Doctor Nephrology Specialized in: Adult Nephrology ، Pediatric Nephrology ، Reservation details Specialties of the Doctor Send Send About the Doctor Doctor Nephrology Specialty Adult Nephrology Present in Cairo Place Shobra Reservation details at Doctor Ashraf Tawadros Metrios Reservation details Clinic address of Doctor Ashraf Tawadros Metrios 24 National Bank Building - Shubra St Area: Cairo ، Shobra Clinic of Doctor Ashraf Tawadros Metrios on the map Consult Doctor Ashraf Tawadros Metrios by phone 022575995801001444816 Sub-Specialties Adult Nephrology Pediatric Nephrology Services provided by Doctor Ashraf Tawadros Metrios Kidney transplant Lithotripsy Nephrectomy (kidney removal) Nephrectomy (kidney removal)Hernia repair surgery Peritoneal dialysis About the Doctor Doctor Nephrology Specialty Adult Nephrology Present in Cairo Place Shobra