Aldoctorz Doctors Doctor Ehab Almohamady Doctor Ehab Almohamady Professor and consultant of endocrinology and diabetes Doctor Diabetes and Endocrinology Specialized in: Internal Medicine ، Pediatrics and New Born ، Adult Diabetes and Endocrinology ، Pediatric Diabetes and Endocrinology ، Pediatric Diabetes and Endocrinology .... View more Reservation details Specialties of the Doctor Send Send About the Doctor Doctor Diabetes and Endocrinology Specialty Internal Medicine Present in Cairo Place Nasr City Reservation details at Doctor Ehab Almohamady Reservation details Clinic address of Doctor Ehab Almohamady Area: Cairo ، Nasr City Clinic of Doctor Ehab Almohamady on the map Consult Doctor Ehab Almohamady by phone 012111962550121119625602241464660224146477 Sub-Specialties Internal Medicine Pediatrics and New Born Adult Diabetes and Endocrinology Pediatric Diabetes and Endocrinology Pediatric Diabetes and Endocrinology Show more Services provided by Doctor Ehab Almohamady adrenal gland diseases Controlling blood pressure and sugar for patients with liver and kidneys Diabetes complications Diabetes treatment Diagnosis of gestational diabetes endocrine diseases Follow-up of adult type 1 and type 2 diabetes and its complications Follow-up to glucose gestational diabetes treatment growth hormone deficiency Kidney failure due to diabetes Kidney problems in diabetics Pain and numbness of the extremities in cases of nerve infections for diabetics Pituitary disorders Sex hormone disorders Thyroid and parathyroid glands Treating hormonal disorders in puberty Treatment of impotence caused by diabetes Treatment of short stature and delayed puberty Type 1 diabetes treatment Type 2 diabetes treatment Show more About the Doctor Doctor Diabetes and Endocrinology Specialty Internal Medicine Present in Cairo Place Nasr City