Aldoctorz Doctors Doctor Hossam Shalaby Doctor Hossam Shalaby Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology Doctor Gynaecology and Infertility Specialized in: Gynaecologic Oncological Surgery ، Gynaecology ، Reservation details Specialties of the Doctor Send Send About the Doctor Doctor Gynaecology and Infertility Specialty Gynaecologic Oncological Surgery Present in Cairo Place Maadi Reservation details at Doctor Hossam Shalaby Reservation details Clinic address of Doctor Hossam Shalaby 36 st 105 Area: Cairo ، Maadi Clinic of Doctor Hossam Shalaby on the map Consult Doctor Hossam Shalaby by phone 0225260002 Sub-Specialties Gynaecologic Oncological Surgery Gynaecology Services provided by Doctor Hossam Shalaby 3D sonar scan 4D ultrasound scan Caesarean births Endometrial receptivity assay Follow up pregnancy Laparoscopy hysterectomy normal delivery Oophorectomy Pre and post delivery care Sonar scan Tubectomy Vaginoplasty Show more About the Doctor Doctor Gynaecology and Infertility Specialty Gynaecologic Oncological Surgery Present in Cairo Place Maadi