Aldoctorz Doctors Doctor Mohamed Abdel Qader Murad Doctor Mohamed Abdel Qader Murad Consultant and Lecturer of Hematology and Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Kasr Al-Ainy Doctor Hematology Specialized in: Adult Hematology ، About the Doctor Reservation details Specialties of the Doctor Send Send About the Doctor Doctor Hematology Specialty Adult Hematology Present in Cairo Place Downtown Information about the Doctor PhD in Internal Medicine. Hematology Consultant. Lecturer at Kasr Al-Ainy Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University. Show more Reservation details at Doctor Mohamed Abdel Qader Murad Reservation details Clinic address of Doctor Mohamed Abdel Qader Murad 35 Al-Qasr Al-Aini Street Area: Cairo ، Downtown Clinic of Doctor Mohamed Abdel Qader Murad on the map Consult Doctor Mohamed Abdel Qader Murad by phone 01001310808 Sub-Specialties Adult Hematology Services provided by Doctor Mohamed Abdel Qader Murad Chemotherapy Stem cell transplantation About the Doctor Doctor Hematology Specialty Adult Hematology Present in Cairo Place Downtown