Specialist in dermatology, venereology and plastic surgery

Information about the Doctor
Filler injections - BOTOX injections - Body lightening and glutathione injections - PRP plasma injec
tions - Stem cell injections for hair and face - Meso therapy for hair and body - Freshness sessions for the face - Face lift with French threads threading - Removal Hair removal - Fractional laser for the treatment of scars, acne scars, scars and dark spots - Pregnancy scars treatment - Dark spots and aging facial signs - Treatment of dark circles under the eyes - Acne and acne scars treatment - Scars treatment Wounds and burns - removal of skin tags - body sculpting and local slimming - treatment of chronic allergies - treatment of hair loss with the latest methods - premarital examinations for the newlyweds - treatment of venereal diseases and andrology diseases specialist in dermatology and venereology and laser skin beautification Member of the Afro-Asian Society for Cosmetic Dermatology The laser is a member of the European Society for Aesthetic Dermatology and Laser (ESCAD), a clinic specialized in dermatology and non-surgical cosmetics. There is also a unit specialized in body sculpting, treating wrinkles by injecting fillers, botox, and French threads to tighten the face.
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Reservation details at Doctor Mohammed Al Samlawy
Reservation details
Clinic address of Doctor Mohammed Al Samlawy
Caliph Al-Mamoun Street Area: Cairo ، Heliopolis
Consult Doctor Mohammed Al Samlawy by phone
Services provided by Doctor Mohammed Al Samlawy
Abdominal lift with threads
Bacterial skin infection treatment
Baldness treatment
Body sculpting with infra red waves
Body sculpting with sound waves
Brow lift
Burn marks removal
Carbon laser
Carboxy dark circles treatment
Cellulite treatment with carboxy
Cheek Augmentation with fillers
Chemical face peeling
Children skin allergies
Chin augmentation with fillers
Chronic skin allergy
Collagen face injection
Collagen hair injection
Crystal body peeling
Dark circles treatment with fillers
Derma roller
Eczema treatment
Face lift with threads
Facial rejuvenation treatment
Fractional laser
Freckles treatment
Genetic baldness treatment
Hair coloring filler
Hair Loss Treatment for women
Hair replacement
Hands filler injection
Hands peeling
Injection and treatment of leg varicose veins
Intravenous Injections for varicose veins treatment
Laser blepharoplasty
Laser body peeling
Laser hair loss treatment
Laser resurfacing
Laser scar removal
Laser tattoo removal
Laser Tinea Treatment
Lip Augmentation with fillers
Lipodissolve injection
lips filler injection
Melasma treatment
Mesotherapy Dark Circles
Mesotherapy face treatment
Mesotherapy hair loss treatment
Mesotherapy skin whitening
Mole Assessment
Neck lift with threads
Pigmentation Treatment
Plasma face injection
Platelet Rich Plasma Filler
PRP hair loss treatment
Psoriasis treatment
Radio frequency body lifting
Sebaceous cyst excision
Skin blemishes treatment
Skin Cancer Screening
Skin pulse treatment
Skin whitening
Stem cells hair treatment
Stem cells skin care
Stretch marks treatment with carboxy
Toenail Fungus Treatment
Wrinkles remedy
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