Rheumatologist, immunologist and internal medicine doctor
Internal Medicine
Specialized in:Orthopedics
،Pediatrics and New Born
،Physiotherapy and Sport Injuries
Adult Internal Medicine
Adult Orthopedics
Adult Physiotherapy
Adult Rheumatology
Pediatric Orthopedics
Pediatric Physiotherapy
Pediatric Rheumatology
Pediatric Rheumatology
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Information about the Doctor
Rheumatologist and Rehabilitation Specialist, Kasr Al-Ainy - Cairo University. Master of Rheumatolog
y and Rehabilitation, Member of the Egyptian Society of Arthritis and Rheumatology A clinic specializing in the treatment of rheumatic and immunological diseases (rheumatoid - lupus - osteoarthritis - osteoporosis - vascular infections) in addition to internal diseases
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Reservation details at Doctor Muhammad Muhammad Sharaf
Reservation details
Clinic address of Doctor Muhammad Muhammad Sharaf
Tahrir street Area: Cairo ، Downtown