Aldoctorz Doctors Doctor Mustafa Ali Doctor Mustafa Ali Internal Medicine and Cardiology Specialist Doctor Cardiology and Vascular Disease Specialized in: Internal Medicine ، Adult Cardiology ، Reservation details Specialties of the Doctor Send Send About the Doctor Doctor Cardiology and Vascular Disease Specialty Internal Medicine Present in Cairo Place Nasr City Reservation details at Doctor Mustafa Ali Reservation details Clinic address of Doctor Mustafa Ali Area: Cairo ، Nasr City Clinic of Doctor Mustafa Ali on the map Consult Doctor Mustafa Ali by phone Sub-Specialties Internal Medicine Adult Cardiology Services provided by Doctor Mustafa Ali cardiomyopathy Cardiovascular disease Cardiovascular disease angina pectoris and high blood pressure coronary artery disease Coronary artery insufficiency treatment Diagnostic and therapeutic catheters dilatation of the heart muscle endocarditis Ergometric test Follow-up and installation of heart stens Follow-up of rheumatic activity and rheumatic fever heart rhythm disturbances heart valve disease Myocardial infarction treatment Ordinary ECG Treating high levels of fat and cholesterol in the blood Show more About the Doctor Doctor Cardiology and Vascular Disease Specialty Internal Medicine Present in Cairo Place Nasr City