
Reservation details at Doctor Wajih El-Assiouty
Reservation details
Clinic address of Doctor Wajih El-Assiouty
18 Mansoura St., El Jamea Square Area: Cairo ، Heliopolis
Consult Doctor Wajih El-Assiouty by phone
Services provided by Doctor Wajih El-Assiouty
(2 views)Skull
(LIVER / PANCREAS / Kidney )
(More than 2 views)
3D / 4 D U.S
3D / 4D sound waves
3D Any Part
3D Face & Paranasal Sinuses
3D Hip Joint
Abdomen and Pelvis
Abdomen and Pelvis CT
Abdomen CT
Abdominal aorta CT angio
Abdominal U.S.
AnaesthesiaM R I Heart
Ankles CT
Antegrade Pyelography
Anterior group
Anterior group x-rays (single mode)
Atomic scan of the kidneys in two stages (dynamic + static)
Atomic scan of the kidneys one stage (dynamic)
Atomic scanning of the body with MIBG
Barium Enema(Double contrast)
Barium Meal & Follow through
Barium Meal(Stomach & Duodenum)
Body MRI + molecular diffusion
Bone Biopsy
Bone Nuclear Scan
Both Ankles
Both feet
Both Hands
Both Hips
Both Knees
Brain magnetic resonance spectroscopy + molecular diffusion
Brain perfusin (HAMPO)
brain scan (blood vessels)
Breast US One Side
Breast US Two sides
Cardiac Ct
Cardiac Nuclear Scan
Cardiac ultrasound (children)
Carotid arteries CT
Cervical Myelography
Cervical Spine 2 views
Cervical Spine CT
Chest CT
Closed MRI Angio Renal
Coloured Echo for Heart
Cranial arteries CT
CT scan of the brain
CT scan of the face and sinuses - 3D
CT scan of the pelvic joint - 3D
Dorsal Myelography
Dorsal Spine CT
Dynamic+ Spectroscopy + Diffusion
Echocardiography (Ped.)
Elbows CT
Gallium (Ga67) scan (infection)
Gastric Motility
GIT bleeding
Gyn./Obstetric U.S.
Hepato - biliary Nuclear Scan (HIDA)
Hips CT
Holter 24 H
Infusion Urography
Iodine131 Whole body scan
Joints (2 views) Ribs
Knees CT
Larynx and Neck CT
Liver Nuclear Scan (Sulphur colloid)
Liver Tri-phasic Abd & Pelvic CT
Liver Tri-phasic liver CT
Long Bones
Lower limbs CT angio
Lumbar Myelography
Lumbar Spine CT
Lumbosacral Spine 2 views
Lung Nuclear Scan (perfusion only)
Lung Nuclear Scan (V / Q)
Lymph Nuclear Scan
Magnetic diffusion on the brain with molecular + perfusion
Mandible a) One side
Mandible Both sides
Mastoid (both sides)
Meckl s scan
MIBG scan
Molecular resonance spectroscopy with dye on the breast (dynamic + molecular diffusion + spectral)
MR Brain with contrast + Diffusion + Perfusion
MR CSF Flowmetry ( Brain )
MR Dynamic Pituitary ( for micro adenoma ) with contrast
MR Mammography one or both sides with contrast
MR Spectroscopy + Diffusion ( Brain )
MR total body+ Diffusion
MR TRIPHASIC with contrast + Diffusion
MRI Multiphasic Dynamic TMJ with Video During Opening Of Mouth
MRI of the brain with dye + spectroscopic + molecular diffusion + perfusion
MRI on Abdomen
MRI on ankle
MRI on Brain
MRI on Cervical
MRI on Chest
MRI on dorsal
MRI on Ear
MRI on elbow
MRI on Feumer
MRI on foot
MRI on Hand
MRI on hip joint
MRI on knee
MRI on Leg
MRI on lumbar
MRI on Nasopharynx
MRI on Neck
MRI on Orbit
MRI on Pelvis
MRI on sella
MRI on shoulder
MRI on wrist
Nasal Bone
Nasopharynx CT
Non Contrast MRA Upper or Lower limb
Non Contrast MRV Upper or Lower limb
One Knee
Orbit CT
Orbit with Brain CT
Paranasal Sinuses Full Exam
Paranasal Sinuses Limited Exam
Parthyroid Nuclear Scan
Pelvis ( 2 views )
Pelvis CT
Petrous Bone and Brain CT
Petrous Bone CT
Plain Urinary Tract
Plain X-Ray Feet One Foot
Post Nephrostomy Pyelogram
Pulmonary Arteries CT
Renal arteries CT
Renal Nuclear Scan (Captopril)
Renal Nuclear Scan (Dynamic & static)
Renal Nuclear Scan (Dynamic)
Sacroiliac Joint
Salivary gland Nuclear scan
Scrotal Nuclear Scan (testicular scan)
Scrotal US
Sella CT
Sella with Brain CT
Shoulders CT
Spine with contrast (Omnip.) CT
Spleeno - portography
Stress ECG
Tempro Mandibular js Both sides
Tempro Mandibular js. a) One side
Three-stage MRI of liver / pancreas / kidney + molecular diffusion
Thyroid Nuclear Scan
Tomography Mandible
Tomography of Sinuses
Transrectal U.S.
Transvaginal U.S.
Two-stage lung scan (V/Q)
U.S. Biopsy
U.S. Chest Wall
U.S. Shoulder
U.S. Thyroid
Virtual Endoscope CT
Whole Spine Myelography
Wrist CT
X-ray (catheter)
X-ray of the lumbar spine (two modes)
X-ray of the ribs and joints (two modes)
X-ray of the shoulder / scapula
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