Reservation details at Helmeya Military Hospital For Orthopedics And Supplementation
Reservation details
Address of Helmeya Military Hospital For Orthopedics And Supplementation
5 Selim El Awal St., Helmeya Square Area: Cairo ، Helmyat Al Zaitoun
Contact details of Helmeya Military Hospital For Orthopedics And Supplementation
Services provided by Helmeya Military Hospital For Orthopedics And Supplementation
(2 views)Skull
(LIVER / PANCREAS / Kidney )
(More than 2 views)
24-Hour blood pressure monitoring
3D / 4 D U.S
3D / 4D sound waves
3D Any Part
3D Face & Paranasal Sinuses
3D Hip Joint
3D sonar scan
48-Hour blood pressure monitoring
48-Hour heart rate monitoring
4D ultrasound scan
Abdomen and Pelvis
Abdomen and Pelvis CT
Abdomen CT
Abdominal aorta CT angio
Abdominal lift with threads
Abdominal U.S.
Acrylic partial denture
Acute and chronic costochondritis
Acute aortic dissection
addiction cure
Adenoid surgery
Adjustable gastric band
adrenal gland diseases
Air massage
All kinds of paralysis
All types of arterial and venous connections for dialysis
Allergy in adults and children
Allergy test to find out the cause of the disease
AnaesthesiaM R I Heart
Anal hernia defects
Angiography of the aorta
Ankles CT
Antegrade Pyelography
Anterior group
Anterior group x-rays (single mode)
Anxiety disorder
Arm lift with threads
Arms lift
Asthma crises
athlete nutrition
Atomic scan of the kidneys in two stages (dynamic + static)
Atomic scan of the kidneys one stage (dynamic)
Atomic scanning of the body with MIBG
Audiometry with headphones
Autism and hyperactivity
autoimmune sclerosis
Bacterial skin infection treatment
Baldness treatment
Balloon sinuplasty
Barium Enema(Double contrast)
Barium Meal & Follow through
Barium Meal(Stomach & Duodenum)
Basic and additional vaccinations
Bat ear surgery with metal implant
Bat ear surgery with threads
Behavioral and affective disorders
BFM bridges
BFM crowns
bipolar disorder
Birth defects of the bladder
blood pressure diseases
Body MRI + molecular diffusion
Body sculpting with infra red waves
Body sculpting with sound waves
Bone and soft tissue tumors
Bone Biopsy
Bone marrow transplant
Bone Nuclear Scan
Both Ankles
Both feet
Both Hands
Both Hips
Both Knees
brain cancer
Brain CT
Brain magnetic resonance spectroscopy + molecular diffusion
Brain perfusin (HAMPO)
brain scan (blood vessels)
Brain scan (MIBI)
Brain scan (tumours)
Breast augmentation
Breast augmentation with fillers
Breast augmentation without surgery
breast cancer
breast diseases
Breast feeding
Breast implant
Breast lift
Breast lift with threads
Breast reconstruction
Breast US One Side
Breast US Two sides
breathing functions
Breathing functions during sleep
Brow lift
Burn marks removal
Butt augmentation
Buttock lift
Caesarean births
Caesarean section (c section)
Carbon laser
Carboxy dark circles treatment
Cardiac ablation
Cardiac Ct
Cardiac Nuclear Scan
Cardiac ultrasound (children)
Cardiovascular disease
Cardiovascular disease angina pectoris and high blood pressure
Caring for chronic health problems
Carotid angioplasty and stenting
Carotid Arteries
Carotid arteries CT
Catheterization of vein and arterial thrombosis
Cellulite treatment with carboxy
Ceramic dental braces
cerebral hemorrhage
Cerebral palsy treatment
Cervical herniated disc
Cervical Myelography
Cervical Spine 2 views
Cervical Spine CT
Cheek Augmentation with fillers
Chemical bleaching
Chemical body peeling
Chemical face peeling
chest allergies
Chest CT
Children skin allergies
Children with special needs
Children's food programs
Chin augmentation with fillers
Chin Reduction Surgery
Cholesterol treatment
Chronic and emergency peripheral arterial insufficiency
Chronic skin allergy
Chronic skin allergy treatment
Cleft and cleft palate
Cleft lip and palate
Closed MRI Anal
Closed MRI Angio Carotid
Closed MRI Angio Renal
Closed MRI Ankle
Closed MRI Arm of Forearm
Closed MRI Brachil Plexus
Closed MRI Brain and Neuro Quant
Closed MRI Brain and Tractograhy
Closed MRI Brain CSF Flow
Closed MRI Chest Wall
Closed MRI Cholesteatoma
Closed MRI Cochlear Implant
Closed MRI Cranio c-s
Closed MRI CSF Rhinorrhea
Closed MRI Entrography
Closed MRI Femur
Closed MRI Humerus
Closed MRI Kidneys
Closed MRI Leg
Closed MRI Lumber spine
Closed MRI MRA
Closed MRI MRU
Closed MRI MRV
Closed MRI Neuro Quant
Closed MRI Package
Closed MRI Pancreas
Closed MRI Paranasal Sinuses
Closed MRI Perfusion
Closed MRI Perfusion and spectroscopy
Closed MRI Perfusion and Tractography
Closed MRI Prostate
Closed MRI Rctum
Closed MRI Renogram
Closed MRI Sacroilic Joint
Closed MRI Sacrum
Closed MRI Scrotum
Closed MRI Spectroscopy
Closed MRI Temporomandibular joints ( TMJ )
Closed MRI Tongue
Closed MRI Tractoggraphy
Closed MRI Tractography and Spectroscopy
Closed MRI Tractography and Spectroscopy and brain and Perfusion
Closed MRI Triphasic liver
Cochlear implants
Collagen face injection
Collagen hair injection
Coloured Echo for Heart
Complex cases of heart disease
Composite bondings
Computed corneal topography
Computerized audiometry
congenital respiratory disease
Contact lens prescription
Continuous medical follow-up
Controlling blood pressure and sugar for patients with liver and kidneys
Convulsions and seizures in children
Corneal cross linking
Corneal transplantation
Coronary angioplasty
coronary artery disease
Coronary artery insufficiency treatment
Cosmetic filling
Cranial arteries CT
Cruciate ligament reconstruction
Crystal body peeling
Crystal face peeling
CT Abdomen Semulation
CT Angio Brain without contrast
CT Angio Face without contrast
CT Brain Semulation
CT Chect Semulation
CT Entero(Colono)graphy without contrast
CT Foot
CT Hand
CT Leg
CT Multiphase Kidneys without contrast
CT Neck
CT Orbits without contrast
CT Sacroiliac Joint
CT scan of the brain
CT scan of the face and sinuses - 3D
CT scan of the pelvic joint - 3D
CT Scanogram
CT Sinogram without contrast
CT Urography without contrast
CT Virtual Bronchoscopy
CT. Angio uper limps without contrast
CT. Joints Semulation
dairy allergy
Dark circles treatment with fillers
Deep brain stimulation
deep vein thrombosis
Dental boosts
Dental C.T
Dental panorama + cephalometry
Dental x-ray
depression treatment
Derma roller
Determine the type of sensitivity
Diabetes complications
Diabetes treatment
Diabetic foot disease
Diabetic foot surgery
diabetic foot treatment
Diagnosis and treatment of allergies of all kinds
Diagnosis and treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease
Diagnosis of gestational diabetes
Diagnostic and therapeutic catheters
Diagnostic and therapeutic lung endoscopy
Diet plan
Digital Mammography
dilatation of the heart muscle
Dimple creation
Doppler Ankle
Doppler Both lower Limb Arteries & Venous
Doppler Carotid & Vertebral
Doppler Elbow
Doppler on Veins and Arteries
Doppler on Veins or Arteries
Doppler pelvis
Doppler Portal venous System
Doppler RENAL Arterial system
Doppler Upper Limb Arterial
Doppler Upper Limb Venous
Dorsal Myelography
Dorsal Spine CT
Double chin removal with laser
drug therapy
Dynamic+ Spectroscopy + Diffusion
Ear micro surgery
Ear piercing
Ear wax (cerumen) removal
Eardrum rupture treatment
Early detection and referral to specialist care
Early detection of cardiovascular disease
eating disorders
ECHO cardiography
Echocardiography (Ped.)
Eczema treatment
Elbow replacement
Elbows CT
Electrophysiology hearing
Emax bridges
Emax crowns
emax filling
endocrine diseases
Endometrial receptivity assay
Ergometric test
Evaluation and treatment of tinnitus cases
excision of breast tumors
Excision of skin tumors and cosmetic tissue reconstruction
Excision of the thyroid and salivary glands
Excision of uterine and ovarian tumors
External beam radiation for prostate cancer
Eye muscle surgery
Eyebrows hair replacement
Eyelid lifting with threads
Eyelid surgery
Face lift
Face lift with threads
Facial rejuvenation treatment
Fat injection
Feeding pregnant women and during lactation
Femto Lasik
Femto smile
Fertilisation in vitro
Fistula surgery
Follow the normal development of children
Follow up on growth retardation cases
Follow up pregnancy
Follow-up and installation of heart stens
Follow-up of adult type 1 and type 2 diabetes and its complications
Follow-up of rheumatic activity and rheumatic fever
Follow-up to glucose
Food allergy in children
Forehead lift
Forehead lift with threads
Fractional laser
Freckles treatment
Full body laser hair removal
Gall bladder (biliary) stone treatment
Gallium (Ga67) scan (infection)
Gamma knife radiosurgery
Gastric balloon
Gastric bypass surgery
Gastric Motility
Gastric sleeve surgery
Gastrointestinal diseases
Gastrointestinal endoscopic surgeries
Gastrointestinal tumors
General internal diseases
Genetic baldness treatment
Genital defect repair
Genitourinary and urinary tract tumors
gestational diabetes treatment
GIT bleeding
Gold Peel Mask
growth hormone deficiency
Gum cleaning
Gyn./Obstetric U.S.
Gynecological Oncology Surgery
Hair coloring filler
Hair Loss Treatment for women
Hair replacement
Hands filler injection
Hands peeling
Head and neck tumors
Headache and fifth nerve pain
Hearing loss assessment and treatment
Heart ECG
heart rhythm disturbances
Heart transplant
heart valve disease
Heat therapy
Hemiplegia treatment
Hepato - biliary Nuclear Scan (HIDA)
Hernia repair surgery
Herniated disc surgery
Herniated disc treatment without surgery
high lung pressure
Hip replacement
Hip resurfacing
Hips CT
Hollywood smile
Holter 24 H
Hydrafacial treatment
Hydrocele treatment
Hypermobility treatment
Hysterectomy surgeries
immune lung disease
immune vasculitis
Impacted tooth extraction
Infusion Urography
Inguinal and umbilical hernia repair
Injection and treatment of leg varicose veins
Inner ear crystal therapy sessions
Intestinal obstruction
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (icsi)
Intravenous Injections for varicose veins treatment
Iodine131 Whole body scan
Iud placement
Jaw Pain treatment
Joint pain treatment
Joints (2 views) Ribs
Kidney failure due to diabetes
Kidney problems in diabetics
Kidney transplant
Knee osteotomy
Knee replacement
Knees CT
Laparoscopic adrenalectomy
Laparoscopic appendicectomy
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Laparoscopic hernial repair
Laparoscopic Hiatal Hernia Repair
Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair
Laparoscopic sinus surgery
Laparoscopic surgeries for children
Laparoscopic surgeries without opening
Laparoscopic undescended testicle repair
Laparoscopy hysterectomy
Larynx and Neck CT
Larynx Plain
Larynx Plain Laryngography
Laser blepharoplasty
Laser body peeling
Laser cataract surgery
Laser face lift
Laser face peeling
Laser gingivoplasty
Laser hair loss treatment
Laser hair removal
Laser hair removal (bikini + under arm)
Laser hair removal (bikini + under arms)
Laser hair removal bikini area
Laser hair removal for face
Laser hair removal hands
Laser hair removal legs
Laser hair removal underarms
Laser hair removal upper lip
Laser hands wrinkles removal
Laser labor marks removal
Laser lifting
Laser mustache hair removal
Laser nose size reduction
Laser purification without bleeding
Laser removal of birthmarks
Laser resurfacing
Laser scar removal
Laser sculpting
Laser skin tag removal
Laser skin whitening
Laser stretch marks treatment
Laser tattoo removal
LASER Teeth whitening
Laser Tinea Treatment
Laser treatment of dark lips
Lasik eye surgery
Lens implant
Limb lengthening
Lip Augmentation with fillers
Lip reduction
Lipodissolve injection
lips filler injection
Liver Nuclear Scan (Sulphur colloid)
Liver resection
Liver transplant
Liver Tri-phasic Abd & Pelvic CT
Liver Tri-phasic liver CT
Long Bones
Long Bones CT
Lower body lift
Lower limbs CT angio
lumbar herniated disc
Lumbar Myelography
Lumbar Spine CT
Lumbosacral Spine 2 views
Lung clots
lung diseases
Lung Nuclear Scan (perfusion only)
Lung Nuclear Scan (V / Q)
Lung transplant
Lymph Nuclear Scan
Magnetic diffusion on the brain with molecular + perfusion
Mammogram 2 Sides
Mammogram 2D
Mammogram 2D+US Breast
Mammogram 3D
Mammogram 3D+US Breast
Mammogram one Side
Mandible a) One side
Mandible Both sides
Marital and family problems
Mastoid (both sides)
Measuring the muscular response of the vestibular system
Meckl s scan
Medication allergy
Melasma treatment
Mesotherapy Dark Circles
Mesotherapy face treatment
Mesotherapy for slimming
Mesotherapy hair loss treatment
Mesotherapy skin whitening
Metal based denture
Metal Jaw orthopedics
MIBG scan
Microsurgery of the larynx
Mirena (hormonal iud)
Mitral valve replacement
Mole Assessment
Molecular resonance spectroscopy with dye on the breast (dynamic + molecular diffusion + spectral)
Monitoring the mental development of the child
Monitoring the physical development of the child
Mouth guards
MR Arthography
MR Brain with contrast + Diffusion + Perfusion
MR CSF Flowmetry ( Brain )
MR Dynamic Pituitary ( for micro adenoma ) with contrast
MR Mammography one or both sides with contrast
MR Spectroscopy + Diffusion ( Brain )
MR total body+ Diffusion
MR TRIPHASIC with contrast + Diffusion
MRI Axilla
MRI brain
MRI Dorsolumbar Spine
MRI MRA Carotid
MRI Multiphasic Dynamic TMJ with Video During Opening Of Mouth
MRI of the brain with dye + spectroscopic + molecular diffusion + perfusion
MRI on Abdomen
MRI on ankle
MRI on Brain
MRI on Cervical
MRI on Chest
MRI on dorsal
MRI on Ear
MRI on elbow
MRI on Feumer
MRI on foot
MRI on Hand
MRI on hip joint
MRI on knee
MRI on Leg
MRI on lumbar
MRI on Nasopharynx
MRI on Neck
MRI on Orbit
MRI on Pelvis
MRI on sella
MRI on shoulder
MRI on wrist
MRI Sacro-Iliac Joint
Multiple Sclerosis
Myocardial infarction treatment
Nasal Bone
Nasopharynx CT
Neck and back pain treatment
Neck and thyroid cysts
Neck lift
Neck lift with threads
Neonatal surgeries
Nephrectomy (kidney removal)
Nephrectomy (kidney removal)Hernia repair surgery
Non Contrast MRA Upper or Lower limb
Non Contrast MRV Upper or Lower limb
Nonsurgical dental implant
normal delivery
Normal vaginal delivery (nvd)
Nose and sinus allergies
Nose piercing
Nutrition for Diabetics and Anemia
Obesity treatment
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Ocular plastic surgery
Ocular ultrasound
One Knee
Open prostatectomy
Operation and evaluation of hearing aids
Optical coherence tomography (oct)
Orbit CT
Orbit with Brain CT
Orbital surgery
Ordinary ECG
Orthodontic alignment
Osteoarthritis of the joints and knees
Osteomalacia treatment for children
Otitis medium pressure measurement
Pacemaker implantation
Pain and numbness of the extremities in cases of nerve infections for diabetics
Pancreas transplantation
Panoramic radiology
Paranasal Sinuses Full Exam
Paranasal Sinuses Limited Exam
Parthyroid Nuclear Scan
Pediatric obesity and endoscopic surgeries
Pediatric psychiatry
Pediatric rheumatism
pediatric tumors
Pelvis ( 2 views )
Pelvis CT
Penile Artery
Periodic checks
Peritoneal dialysis
Petrous Bone and Brain CT
Petrous Bone CT
pharyngeal obstruction
Pigmentation Treatment
Piles surgery
Piles treatment (non surgical)
Pituitary disorders
Pituitary gland tumors
Plain Urinary Tract
Plain X-Ray Feet One Foot
Plain X-Ray Hand a One Hand
Plasma face injection
Platelet Rich Plasma Filler
poor movement
Porcelain inlays and onlays
Post Nephrostomy Pyelogram
Post-fracture treatment
Pre and post delivery care
Premature babies
Preparing adjusting and testing cochlear implants
Preventive care
Prostate laser surgery
Proton therapy
PRP hair loss treatment
Psoriasis treatment
Psychotherapy sessions
Pulmonary Arteries CT
pulmonary tuberculosis
Radio frequency body lifting
Radiofrequency neurotomy
Raynaud's disease
Reconstructive middle ear surgery
red melt
Rehabilitation after stroke
Rehabilitation of athletes
Rehabilitation programs for vertigo patients
Renal arteries CT
Renal Artery
Renal Nuclear Scan (Captopril)
Renal Nuclear Scan (Dynamic & static)
Renal Nuclear Scan (Dynamic)
Repair defects of purity
Repairing birth defects in children
Request for medical tests
Resection of colon pancreatic and spleen tumors
resection of liver tumors
resection of pancreatic tumors
Resection of prostate bladder and kidney tumors
Respiratory diseases related to the circulatory system
Respiratory infection
Respiratory tumors
Retinal detachment surgery
rheumatic pain treatment
Rheumatoid arthritis
rheumatoid immune system
Rhinoplasty with threads
Root canal treatment
Root Canal Treatment for Children
Sacroiliac Joint
salivary gland disorders
Salivary gland Nuclear scan
Salivary gland surgery
Scoliosis treatment
Scrotal Nuclear Scan (testicular scan)
Scrotal US
Sebaceous cyst excision
Sella CT
Sella with Brain CT
Sex hormone disorders
Shoulder replacement
Shoulders CT
Sinusitis surgery
skin allergies
Skin blemishes treatment
Skin Cancer Screening
Skin care
Skin pulse treatment
Skin whitening
Skull ultrasound (children)
Sonar scan
Space maintainers
Spinal deformities treatment
Spinal fusion
Spinal stiffness
Spine pain treatment
Spine with contrast (Omnip.) CT
Spleeno - portography
Sports injuries treatment
Stem cell therapy for orthopedic conditions
Stem cell transplantation
Stem cells hair treatment
Stem cells skin care
Stomach and duodenal infections
Stress ECG
Stretch marks treatment with carboxy
Superficial and deep vein thrombosis
Surgery for snoring
Surgery of the facial nerve
Surgical cases of chronic constipation
Surgical chin augmentation
Surgical hands wrinkles removal
Surgical nose job
Surgical otoplasty
Surgical tooth extraction
Teeth jewelry
Teeth scaling and polishing
Tempro Mandibular js Both sides
Tempro Mandibular js. a) One side
Texture reformatting
therapeutic nutrition
Therapeutic nutrition for children
Therapeutic nutrition for diabetics
Therapeutic Nutrition for Kidney Patients
Therapeutic Nutrition for Liver Patients
Thigh lift
Thigh lift with threads
thinness treatment
Thoracic aorta CT angio
Thread buttock lift
Thread lower body lift
Three-stage MRI of liver / pancreas / kidney + molecular diffusion
Thyroid and parathyroid glands
Thyroid diseases
Thyroid Nuclear Scan
Thyroid surgery
Thyroidectomy and lymphatic
Toenail Fungus Treatment
Tomography Mandible
Tomography of Sinuses
Tongue tie release
Tonsils (tonsillitis) treatment
Tooth coloured fillings
Total mastectomy with intraoperative breast reconstruction
Transrectal U.S.
Transurethral resection of the prostate (turp)
Transvaginal U.S.
Treating chest diseases and allergies
Treating children with cerebral palsy
Treating high levels of fat and cholesterol in the blood
Treating hormonal disorders in puberty
Treating mental illness
Treatment and rehabilitation of drug and alcohol addiction patients
Treatment of cases of the seventh nerve
Treatment of delayed walking
Treatment of impotence caused by diabetes
Treatment of involuntary movements
Treatment of muscular dystrophy and nerve infections in children
Treatment of nervous spasms in children
Treatment of non-life-threatening diseases
Treatment of short stature and delayed puberty
Treatment of the after effects of deep vein thrombosis
Treatment of torn cartilage and ligaments
Two-stage lung scan (V/Q)
Type 1 diabetes treatment
Type 2 diabetes treatment
U.S. Biopsy
U.S. Chest Wall
U.S. Shoulder
U.S. Skull (Paediatrics)
U.S. Thyroid
Ulnar tunnel release surgery
Ultra Lasik
Ultra Sound on Abdomen and Pelvis
Ultrasound on the abdomen and pelvis
Upper limbs CT angio
Upper or Lower Limb Art.
Urethral repair surgeries
Urinary incontinence treatment
US Both Artris Arm
US Both Feet
US Both Knees
US Cranial
US Knee
US Neck
US Pelvis
US thigh
US Wrist
UV radiation therapy
Varicocele surgery
Varicose vein treatment without surgery
Varicose veins
Varicose Veins (L.L.)
Vaser liposuction
Vertical banded gastroplasty
Vertigo evaluation and treatment
Video balance measurement including examination of the inner ear and the brain
Virtual Endoscope CT
Vitreoretinal surgery
Week heartbeat monitoring (Holter)
Weight loss
Whole Spine Myelography
Wisdom tooth extraction
Work and evaluation of cochlear devices
Wrinkles remedy
Wrist CT
X-ray (catheter)
X-ray of the lumbar spine (two modes)
X-ray of the ribs and joints (two modes)
X-ray of the shoulder / scapula
X-rays on an X-ray on one hand
XRay (V.C.U.G)
XRay Barium follow through
XRay Barium meal
XRay Barium swallow
XRay Bone Age
XRay Both heels
XRay Chest & heart ( 2 views )
XRay Cysto - urethrography
XRay Dorsal Spine (2 VIEW)
XRay Forearm/arm ( 2 views )
XRay Gastrograffin enema
XRay Gastrograffin follow through
XRay Gastrograffin Meal
XRay Gastrograffin swallow
XRay Gastrograffin swallow and meal
XRay Lumbar (one View)
XRay Nephrostogram
Xray on Chest or Extermities or Joints
XRay Plain abdomen standing
XRay Sinogram
XRay T tube cholangiogram
Zerikon inlays and onlays
Zirkonium Crown
Zoom teeth whitening
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