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Tareq Alshiekh

Doctor Tareq Alshiekh

Consultant of Ear, Nose and Throat and treatment of imbalance, vertigo and dizziness

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Doctor Ear, Nose and Throat

Specialized in : Adult Ear, Nose and Throat Adult Ear, Nose and throat Surgery Hearing and Balance Disorder
Address : 15 Abdel-Ghani Hosni Street - off the main Matareya Street, around the corner of Hati Al-Sheikh, and congratulations to the children ،
City: Cairo ، Ain Shams
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Doctor Maurice Georgy Barsoum El Fayoumi

Neurosurgeon and spine specialist

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Doctor Neurosurgery

Specialized in : Adult Neurosurgery Adult Spine Surgery Pediatric Neurosurgery
Address : 5 Al-Farid Street, Ezbet Al-Nakhl ،
City: Cairo ، Ain Shams
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