Doctor Muhammad Sherif PhD in general and anal surgery, consultant general and gastrointestinal surgery, diagnostic and surgical endoscopy Recently Joined Doctor General Surgery Specialized in : Oncology Surgery Pediatric Surgery Abdominal Surgery Address : 154 Port Said St. - Santa Rita Square ، City: Alexandria ، Abraham Branches Doctor Muhammad Sherif - Freedom Road، Alexandria، Sidi Gaber Inquire online now
Doctor Amr Alwani Consultant of Neurosurgery and Spine Instructor of Neurosurgery and Spine Surgery Faculty of Medicine - Alexandria University Recently Joined Doctor Neurosurgery Specialized in : Pediatric Surgery Spinal Surgery Adult Neurosurgery Address : Damietta Street ، City: Alexandria ، Bolkley Inquire online now
Doctor Tarek Ahmed Ryan MD, Neurosurgery and Spine Instructor, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Recently Joined Doctor Neurosurgery Specialized in : Pediatric Surgery Spinal Surgery Adult Neurosurgery Address : Amin Fikri Street, Raml Station ، City: Alexandria ، Mahatet Al Raml Inquire online now
Doctor Awad Al-Mahdi Neurosurgery Consultant. Recently Joined Doctor Neurosurgery Specialized in : Pediatric Surgery Spinal Surgery Adult Neurosurgery Address : Hannoville - Alex Matrouh Road, in front of Mohamed Naguib School. ، City: Alexandria ، Al Ajmi Branches Doctor Awad Al-Mahdi - 1 Alexandria-Matrouh Road, next to the Dekheila Water Company، Al Ajmi، Alexandria Inquire online now
Doctor Awad Al-Mahdi Neurosurgery Consultant. Recently Joined Doctor Neurosurgery Specialized in : Pediatric Surgery Spinal Surgery Adult Neurosurgery Address : 1 Alexandria-Matrouh Road, next to the Dekheila Water Company ، City: Alexandria ، Al Ajmi Branches Doctor Awad Al-Mahdi - Hannoville - Alex Matrouh Road, in front of Mohamed Naguib School.، Al Ajmi، Alexandria Inquire online now