Best Pediatric Deformities and Birth Defects Surgery doctors in Egypt  

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15,000 doctors - 9,000 professors and consultants - More than 40 specialties

Mohamed Aboleila

Doctor Mohamed Aboleila

Plastic surgery and body contouring specialist

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Doctor Dermatology

Specialized in : Obesity and Laparoscopic Surgery Pediatric Surgery Plastic Surgery
Address : 65 Rabaa Investment Buildings, off El Nozha St., next to the Air Defense House - First Floor - Apartment 1 ،
City: Cairo ، Nasr City
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Mohamed Aboleila

Doctor Mohamed Aboleila

Plastic surgery and body contouring specialist

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Doctor Dermatology

Specialized in : Obesity and Laparoscopic Surgery Pediatric Surgery Plastic Surgery
Address : Al-Nasr Street, the floor in front of the Banzaioun - the third floor - next to Hati Zaidan and in front of Tim Town stores ،
City: Al-Sharkia ، Diarb Negm
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Ahmed Arafa

Doctor Ahmed Arafa

Consultant and Lecturer of Pediatric Surgery and Birth Defects, Faculty of Medicine, Kasr Al-Ainy, Cairo University

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Doctor Pediatric Surgery

Specialized in : Pediatric Deformities and Birth Defects Surgery Pediatric Gastroenterological Surgery Pediatric General Surgery
Address : October 4 B above the world of Jordanian blinds ،
City: Giza ، 6 October
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