Best Pediatric Spine Surgery doctors in Giza  

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15,000 doctors - 9,000 professors and consultants - More than 40 specialties

Emad Mamoun Hamza

Doctor Emad Mamoun Hamza

Consultant and Professor of Neurosurgery and Spine, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University

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Doctor Neurosurgery

Specialized in : Pediatric Surgery Spinal Surgery Adult Neurosurgery
Address : SODIC WEST - Polygon 4 ،
City: Giza ، Sheikh Zayed
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Doctor Maurice Georgy Barsoum El Fayoumi

Neurosurgeon and spine specialist

Recently Joined

Doctor Neurosurgery

Specialized in : Adult Neurosurgery Adult Spine Surgery Pediatric Neurosurgery
Address : 20 Faisal Street, intersection of Abdel Aal Canal ،
City: Giza ، Faisal
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