Best doctors in Sheikh Zayed  

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15,000 doctors - 9,000 professors and consultants - More than 40 specialties

Tarek Abdel Aal

Doctor Tarek Abdel Aal

Consultant General and Oncology Surgery / Dr. Fellowship in surgery and oncology

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Doctor General Surgery

Specialized in : Oncology Surgery Pediatric Surgery Abdominal Surgery
Address : first district ،
City: Giza ، Sheikh Zayed
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Fahim Al Bassiouni

Doctor Fahim Al Bassiouni

Professor of General and Laparoscopic Surgery - Faculty of Medicine, Kasr Al-Ainy

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Doctor General Surgery

Specialized in : Obesity and Laparoscopic Surgery Adult Gastroenterological Surgery Obesity Surgery
Address : Twin Towers - Building C - Fifth Floor - Clinic J - Above Nissan Auto Egypt ،
City: Giza ، Sheikh Zayed
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Mohamed Yousif

Doctor Mohamed Yousif

Senior Physician, Department of Orthopedics, Westfaleka Hospital, Germany, Consultant of Orthopedics and Traumatology

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Doctor Orthopedics

Specialized in : Pediatrics and New Born Rheumatology Adult Orthopedic Surgery
Address : Downtown Mall - next to Sheikh Zayed Specialized Hospital - in front of Samsa Restaurant - second floor - Sheikh Zayed ،
City: Giza ، Sheikh Zayed
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